Forms:The information which the Directorate possesses are the documents that were created in the work of the Directorate, and general information on the state of the waterway, flooding and etc. are on the Agency’s website, in the form of a report.

Information inquirer may be made available all information in the Directorate disposal which were created or related to the work of the Agency, in accordance with the Law on Free Access to Information of Public Importance, except when, according to the Law, conditions for the exclusion or limitation of access to information of public importance were met.

The most common requests for access to information of public importance were related to requests for copies of the documents containing the requested information (most often the information concerned the former employees to realize some personal rights such as the registration of flats and etc.).

The procedure for access to information of public importance shall be conducted in accordance with the Law on Free Access to Information of Public Importance ("RS Official Gazette", No. 120/04, 54/07 and 104/09, 36/10), on the basis of a verbal or written demands for the right to access information of public importance.

In accordance with Article 38 of the Law on Free Access to Public Information, Director of the Directorate for Inland Waterways adopted a Decision on the determination of a person authorized, to act on requests for free access to information of public importance.

A person authorized to act upon requests for free access to information of public importance in the Directorate for Inland Waterways:

Svetlana Markovic, LL.B
phone: +381 11 30 29 846
cell: +381 63 384 753

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